A Sneak Peek into ‘Everyphone Everywhere’ Sept 1 2023, Innis Town Hall

語言/Languages: 中文 English

Hong Kong cinema enthusiasts and moviegoers worldwide are eagerly anticipating the premiere of the highly anticipated film, ‘Everyphone Everywhere,’ directed by the acclaimed filmmaker Amos WHY. Set to debut at the Innis Town Hall, University of Toronto on September 1, 2023, followed by a wider release in select Cineplex theatres on September 8, 2023, the movie promises to captivate audiences with its interconnected stories and exploration of modern communication dilemmas. With an ensemble cast featuring Peter Charm Man Chan, Rosa Maria Velasco, Endy Chow, Cecilia Choi, Henick Chou, and Amy Tang, ‘Everyphone Everywhere’ presents a multi-faceted narrative that delves into the complexities of human relationships and technological interactions.


Story 1: Chit, a graphic designer who lives on an outlying island in Hong Kong, forgets to bring his phone when he leaves home to head into the city. Unfortunately, he is unable to recall the location of his lunch date with his high school classmates, and it is too late to return home to retrieve it. Feeling lost and defeated, he must find a way to contact his classmates in order to obtain the address of the restaurant. Story 2: Female executive Ana gets a WhatsApp message from a scam artist; she was originally hostile, but their conversation turns out to be surprisingly simpatico. Through this conversation, she even finds out information about her husband’s infidelities and criminal activities. Story 3: Raymond, a real estate agent, has his phone hacked, and worries that sensitive information about his business affairs might be leaked, and plans to escape the authorities. At the same time, his daughter tries to scam and ‘catfish’ a computer nerd.

Movie: Everyphone Everywhere
Length:  90 mins.
Genre:  Comedy
Director: Amos Why
Screenplay:Amos Why
Cast:Peter Charm Man Chan, Rosa Maria Velasco, Endy Chow, Cecilia Choi, Henick Chou, Amy Tang
Premiere Date: Sep. 1, 2023; 7:00PM – 9:30PM
Theatre:  Innis Town Hall Theatre, Innis College, 2 Sussex Ave, Toronto, ON
Release Date:Sep. 8, 2023
Tickets and Info: CHIME Canada